Five papers submitted by Einstein in 1905, his annus
mirabilis, were covering three topics: the photoelectric
effect, brownian motion, and the special theory of relativity,
and were landmarks in their fields. The general public did
not get excited about Einstein's photoelectric effect or
his brownian motion, but relativity became a fashionable
The original title that Einstein was using for the theory
was (translated from German) "Theory of Invariants".
It was Max Planck who suggested the term "relativity"
to highlight the notion of transforming the laws of physics
between observers moving relative to one another. From the
point of view of Arnold Sommerfeld: "The name relativity
theory was an unfortunate choice: The relativity of space
and time is not the essential thing, which is the independence
of laws of Nature from the viewpoint of the observer."
That not only space, but time is relative, is a consequence
of the Special Theory of Relativity. It revealed that old
conventions and standards can be thrown away. That suited
the mood of people in all aspects of their activities and
conributed to the creation of the myth connected with Einstein's
name. Another factor was "the mystery of non-understanding",
as Einstein said in an interview in 1921. Everybody knew
that Einstein had done something very important, but almost
nobody could tell exactly what it was. In the century remarkable
for great achievements in physics Einstein
became not only a personification of physics, but also a
symbol of human intelligence.

Traditionally it was supposed that the Special Theory of
Relativity can be understood only by specialists and so
one did not need to be anxious that others would think that
one is stupid for not knowing it. But there are always people
eager for gaining knowledge, and there are physicists ready
to share their knowledge with the general puplic. Most of
the interested people, though, are not going to spend much
time on the Special Theory of Relativity. They would rather
get an idea about it from a competent specialist in just
few minutes. But there is a lack of presentations of the
Theory exactly of that kind. A competent specialist considers
that it is impossible to explain so serious subject in few
minutes. There are very good presentations like the famouse
book of E. F. Taylor and J. A. Wheeler, Spacetime Physics,
W.H Freeman and Company, 1992, that requires much time from
a serious reader. It is thought to be a book that attracts
students, most of whom will not become physics majors, but
can experience "deep physics", as Edwin F. Taylor
A serious short presentation could be useful both for those
who are not going to spend more time on the subject and
for those whom it may stimulate for further studying.