E. F. Taylor and J. A. Wheeler, Spacetime Physics, W.H
Freeman and Company, 1992. |
about the Special Theory of Relativity
Edwin F. Taylor about the above book and about studying
Public hunger for relativity and quantum mechanics is insatiable,
and we should use it selectively but shamelessly to attract
students, most of whom will not become physics majors, but
all of whom can experience "deep physics."
John Archibald Wheeler, whose presentation of special relativity
in a Princeton freshman class in 1964 brought me close to
tears 1 and fixed in me a determination to collaborate with
him to develop and write up his insights for the world to
Anyone with a mastery of basic calculus and an introductory-physics
acquaintance with momentum and energy can now explore the
boundaries of Nature.
Enthusiastic participants should come out of the woodwork
-- both the young and those of us who claim maturity. Most
of these will not become physics majors, nor should we want
them to. But everyone will be deeply immersed in what physics
does best: exploring the boundaries of the universe.
Special relativity is an old story. The book Wheeler and
I wrote on the subject 2 attempts to emphasize the conceptual
basis that leads naturally toward general relativity. But
there are dozens of different treatments of special relativity:
choose your favorite.
Wolfgang Pauli:
We now come
to the discussion of the three contributors, by Lorentz,
Poincaré and Einstein, which contain the line of
reasoning and the developments that form the basis of the
theory of relativity. Chronologically, Lorentz's paper came
first. ... The formal gaps left by Lorentz's work were
filled by Poincaré. He stated the relativity principle
to be generally and rigorously valid. ... It was Einstein,
finally, who in a way completed the basic formulation of
this new discipline. ... It ...shows an entirely novel,
and much more profound, understanding of the whole problem.
Arnold Sommerfeld:
The name relativity
theory was an unfortunate choice: The relativity of space
and time is not the essential thing, which is the independence
of laws of Nature from the viewpoint of the observer.
Henri Poincaré:
It seems that this impossibility to disclose experimentally
the absolute motion of the earth is a general law of nature;
we are led naturally to admit this law, which we shall call
the Postulate of Relativity, and to admit it unrestrictedly.
Although this postulate, which up till now agrees with experiment,
must be confirmed or disproved by later more precise experiments,
it is in any case of interest to see what consequences can
flow from it.
J.S. Bell:
I have for long thought that if I had the opportunity to
teach this subject, I would emphasize the continuity with
earlier ideas. Usually it is the discontinuity which is
stressed, the radical break with more primitive notions
of space and time.
The approach of Einstein differs from that of Lorentz in
two major ways. There is a difference of philosophy, and
a difference of style.
The facts of physics do not
oblige us to accept one philosophy rather than the other.
But in my opinion there is also something to be said for
taking students along the road made by Fitzgerald, Larmor,
Lorentz and Poincaré. The longer road sometimes gives
more familiarity with the country.
Richard P. Feynman:
The fact that the electromagnetic equations can be written in a very
particular notation which was designed for the four-dimensional
geometry of the Lorentz transformations - in other words, as a vector
equation in the four-space - means that it is invariant under the
Lorentz transformations. It is because the Maxwell equations are
invariant under those transformations that they can be written in a
beautiful form.
It is no accident that the equations of electrodynamics can be written
in the beautifully elegant form... The theory of relativity was
developed because it was found experimentally that the phenomena
predicted by Maxwell's equations were the same in all inertial
systems. And it was precisely by studying the transformation
properties of Maxwell's equations that Lorentz discovered his
transformation as the one which left the equations invariant.
There is, however, another reason for writing our equations this way.
It has been discovered - after Einstein guessed that it might be so -
that all of the laws of physics are invariant under the Lorentz
transformations. That is the principle of relativity.